Straw Free Flagstaff is a collaborative community campaign led by the Azulita Project, City of Flagstaff, and other organizations with the goal to rid Flagstaff of single-use plastic straws.
Americans use hundreds of millions of drinking straws (and wrappers!) daily, and many of them are not disposed of properly. Straws are among the top 10 litter items found worldwide. No types of plastic straws are recyclable in Flagstaff, which means that each one used and disposed of ends up in the landfill or as litter.
The Straw Free Flagstaff campaign encourages local businesses to offer straws by request only and to provide compostable non-plastic straws to customers as an alternative. Straw-Free Flag promotes "by request only" for many other single-use plastic items, like utensils, plastic bags, lids, condiments, and plastic containers and to replace with compostable non-plastic alternatives when appropriate.

Business benefits of participating in #SFF
Lowered overhead and operational costs. By implementing a “by request only” policy, you avoid purchasing items that nickel and dime your business, like straws, plastic utensils, plastic bags, disposable cups and lids.
Increased customers and customer loyalty. Businesses who are committed to reducing their environmental impact benefit financially, growing at 3 times the rate of businesses who do not. In a variety of options, customers choose environmentally-friendly establishments and are willing to spend more at them.
Boost employee morale and retention. Employees want to feel like they are making a contribution while earning a paycheck, and those who find meaningful work are more productive and take fewer sick days.
Support for #SFF Businesses
The Azulita Project provides the following support for participating businesses.
Employee training. Informational Training Handout to current and new employees that provides a variety of scenarios on how to implement “by request only.” Occasional in-person training during staff meetings to troubleshoot challenges and brainstorm new ideas to keep employees motivated and take ownership of implementing the program.
Promotion as a Straw-Free Flagstaff Business. The Azulita Project has collaborations with both the Flagstaff Convention and Visitors’ Bureau and Sedona Chamber of Commerce to highlight Straw-Free Flagstaff participants for visitors interested in ecotourism options.
Social media promotion highlighting your restaurant as a Straw-Free Flagstaff participant. Special events, promotional specials, and “give back” days will be included in the Azulita Project’s social media presence when notified.
Promotional materials to be displayed on the door or at tables as a Straw-Free Flagstaff participation.